NOTE: you only get ONE guess. No do-overs. READ THESE RULES CAREFULLY.

The treasure has been found as of 5:19pm EST on October 1, but here's a contest of skill for second-place prizes in the days leading up to October 10, 2024.

The circle will keep shrinking.

We will keep sending out daily aerial photograph clues.

So far, only one human, other than us, has figured out the exact secret location of the treasure. Can you figure it out too? More importantly, can you figure it out before everyone else does?

On the very last day, at 9am EST on October 10, everyone will know the exact location when the circle shrinks down to a single foot. But how close can you get before that?

The 20 people who submit the closest guesses before 9am EST on October 10, 2024, will receive a second place prize of $100 sent to their registered email address by PayPal.

Since there is some error in GPS coordinates, even if you're on the ground in the exact spot, we're considering +/- 11.1 meter (+/- 0.0001 degree) accuracy to be an "exact hit". If more than 20 people guess an "exact hit" by the end, we will send prizes to the 20 people who submitted their "exact hits" the earliest.

You only get ONE guess, so deciding WHEN to guess will be crucial, as more and more information is released through the aerial clues and the shrinking circle in the following days.

All information sources are fair game, including visiting the actual location in the woods, if you can find it. Of course, don't commit crimes to obtain your information.

May your keen eye server you well.

Project Skydrop has been an amazing adventure that we will never forget. Thank you, everyone.

--Jason and Tom

GPS coordinates look like this:

42.96255, -71.16367

Latitude: 42.96255
Longitude: -71.16367

Coordinates MUST be submitted in decimal degrees, like the example above. Longitude in our general area is always NEGATIVE.

Submit your ONE and ONLY guess here:


Your Four Secret words:
(from your Welcome email)

Latitude Guess:

Longitude Guess: