Questions and Answers
What is Project Skydrop?
Project Skydrop is a real-world treasure hunt. A precious object, made of 10 troy ounces of 24K pure gold, has been placed somewhere in a circle that starts out 500 miles in diameter. Over the course of three weeks, that circle shrinks day-by-day. At the end of the hunt, the circle will shrink down to a single foot, pinpointing the exact treasure location. People who join the hunt receive daily clues in the form of aerial photographs of the treasure taken from higher and higher altitudes. Half of each entry fee contributes to an additional cash bounty that grows over time as more people join. The first person to locate the treasure and take it wins the hunt and claims the cash bounty.
How do you join?
Go here to join Project Skydrop for $20:
What does the winner receive?
The winner gets to keep the treasure itself, which contains 10 troy ounces of 99.99% pure gold, currently valued at over $25,000. The winner also receives the prize bounty, which increases by $10 from each entry fee over the course of the hunt. The more people that join, the bigger that bounty payment will be.
How long does the hunt go on?
Project Skydrop runs for 21 days, starting Thursday, September 19, 2024, and ending on Thursday, October 10, 2024
Who is allowed to join?
Project Skydrop is open to anyone who is legally allowed to enter a contest of skill. If you are under 18, you must have your parent's permission to participate.
How will the winner claim the bounty money?
Using their own phone or camera, the winner MUST record a first-person video of themselves walking up to the treasure and retrieving it from the forest floor. This video must be posted publicly to YouTube, with the phrase "PROJECT SKYDROP" in the title of the video. Once this video is posted by the winner, and we watch the video to verify that the treasure has been acquired peacefully, we will transfer the bounty money to the winner through Bitcoin.
Is the treasure buried in the ground?
No, it's sitting somewhere on the forest floor in plain view.
Do I need Bitcoin to join?
No. Your $20 entry fee must be paid in US Dollars.
Why use Bitcoin for the prize bounty?
Bitcoin is a safe and secure way to transfer a large prize bounty to the winner. We will walk the winner through the process of cashing out their Bitcoin when the time comes.
How is the winner determined?
The person who reaches the treasure first and picks it up is the winner.
Why not just wait until the last day?
On the last day, the circle will be only one foot in diameter. Once the circle is that tiny, the treasure location will be known to everyone. If you wait until then, it will be gone by the time you get there.
What's the point of paying $20 to join?
By joining Project Skydrop, you gain access to daily clues that members of the public do not get. Each day, you will receive a new aerial photograph by email, discord, and/or text message. These photographs look down at the treasure location from higher and higher altitudes, showing more and more of the surrounding landscape each day. By using these clues, you will be able to discover the treasure location before the circle gets too tiny. This is how you can reach the treasure long before members of the public, who are watching the circle shrink from the sidelines without any additional clues.
Why pay to join now, instead of waiting to see how big the bounty gets later?
Each day, clues are delivered in first-joined order, spread over a 6-hour period between 9am and 3pm. By joining later, you are guaranteeing that you will receive your daily clues later in the day. When it comes down to the wire toward the end, when the clues are just tickling the threshold of solvability, every second will count.
Won't the photographic clues get leaked onto the internet?
Yes, it's possible for this to happen. However, spoilsports who want to leak clues will most likely join the contest later than others, so their clues will leak later in the day, making leaked clues far less valuable toward the end of the contest.
What happens if I leak my clues onto the internet?
Spreading your clues publicly on the internet is against the rules of the contest. Any account found to be leaking its clues will be removed from the contest with no warning and no refund.
When does the circle shrink each day?
The circle shrinks at 9am Eastern Time each day. If you are looking at the map on the website at that time, you will be able to watch the circle shrink.
How much does the circle shrink each day?
Each day, the circle will have the following diameters:
Day 0500 miles
Day 1395 miles
Day 2313 miles
Day 3247 miles
Day 4195 miles
Day 5154 miles
Day 6121 miles
Day 795 miles
Day 875 miles
Day 958 miles
Day 1045 miles
Day 1135 miles
Day 1227 miles
Day 1320 miles
Day 1416 miles
Day 1512 miles
Day 168 miles
Day 176 miles
Day 184 miles
Day 192 miles
Day 201 mile
Day 211 foot
How will we know when the treasure has been taken? Won't a bunch of people waste a trip into the woods after it's too late?
The treasure location is equipped with tree-mounted cameras that provide a live view of the treasure, 24-7. These cameras are both motion-sensitive and night-vision capable. The image feed from these cameras will be publicly visible on the main Project Skydrop website throughout the hunt. Thus, everyone will know that the treasure is still there, before it has been taken. And as soon as the treasure has been taken, everyone will know. In fact, we will all collectively watch the winner pick up the treasure on the live feed. Thus, no one will waste time going to the treasure location after the treasure is gone.
What if multiple people arrive at the same time and fight over the treasure?
First of all, with the live camera feeds, the world is watching, so we will all see what you do at the treasure location. Second, in order to get the bounty payment, the winner must acquire the treasure peacefully, and they must document this by peaceful acquisition by recording their own video on the way to the treasure. Anyone seen engaging in violence in order to acquire the treasure, in addition to breaking the law, will also forfeit their bounty payment.
So there are only two live-streaming cameras, and that's it?
There are only two cameras that will live-stream images to the public website, but there are other cameras that only we will be able to access.
What if people endanger themselves or others when racing toward the treasure location?
Everyone is responsible for their own actions. Please don't speed or engage in other reckless behavior on your way to the treasure.
What about trespassing?
The treasure has been placed on public land.
Is this legal?
As a contest of skill, Project Skydrop is legal almost everywhere. If Project Skydrop is not legal in your area, you have our condolences.
What if I have more questions?
Please email me here:
jasonrohrer AT fastmail DOT fm
Where are the official contest rules?
This FAQ serves as the official contest rules. There's no other fine print or legal jargon.